You are a

Illust­rator / E-Designer / EPlaner?



Start date:


Working time:

Full time / flexible

Your area of respons­ibility - You...

  • create circuit dia­grams in accord­ance with stand­ards and regula­tions using EPLAN
  • design enclosure models with EPLAN Pro­panel or Solid­works
  • manage technical drawings and generate bills of mater­ials
  • main­tains the parts/trans­lation and macro data­base in EPLAN
  • assigns and super­vises the pro­duction of control cabinets


  • have exper­ience in electri­cal design and plan­ning
  • know require­ments and stand­ards for technical drawings, electrical cabinet and plant construct­ion
  • have good lang­uage skills in German and English
  • you are interested in auto­mation and want to develop further
  • have initiative as well as team spirit and are communi­cative

This is what we stand for ​​

Flexible and Mobile Working

Training and Develop­ment Opportunities

Cola Flatrate

Health Pro­tection in the Corona Pandemic

Corporate Health Manage­ment

You are inter­ested or still have quest­ions?

You can expect an exci­ting work­ing environ­ment, a fair salary and a great team. Grow with us!

So if you’re inter­ested in a job, apply – even if your previous work exper­ience doesn’t match all the qualifi­cations.


Andreas Ritzerfeld

Head of Electrical Depart­ment

We look forward to meeting you!