We modernize your rolling mill

With the focus on process improvements.
Factory Inspection


System Improvement

Measurable Process Optimization

GEVA automation...

GEVA automation is providing upgrade of Rod and Bar Rolling Mills’ AUTOMATION and ELECTRICAL equipment with the focus on process improvements – tailor made for your products and production programs.

We are improving your efficiency and reduce operational costs by:

  • Increase of output / yield and availability
  • Improve operational performance
  • Save energy
  • Extend equipment life

Our Customers

GEVA automation is in business for more than 25 years and implemented over 90 upgrade and modernization projects in all continents of the world.

Our business is based on continuous and ongoing support of our clients. We appreciate intensive and long lasting relationships to our satisfied clients.

GEVA are flexible and quick to respond to any issues that impact the productivity of the plant.
Abud Alnatour, Maintenance Superintendent, Sydney Rolling Mill / April 2015
You buy the process improvement which is always a tailor made solution. That takes time and GEVA have the time to stay on at site which others have left already.
Dean Powning, Electrical Engineer, OneSteel Laverton, Australia, December 2014
Whenever we needed support from GEVA in breakdown situations we found them to be reliable and reactive due to their in depth knowledge of DC-Drive technology in general and SIEMENS 6RA70 & 6RA80.
Abud Alnatour, Maintenance Superintendent, Sydney Rolling Mill, April 2015
One of our ongoing repeatedly problem with our large, complicated DC drive motor, triggering us to stop the plant from time to time. In the presence of GEVA automation expert at site, they have resolved our difficulties with the sophisticated DC-Drive. No one else before, including the OEM suppliers, have been able to help. Great work and outstanding performance. Thank you very much.
Abud Alnatour, Superintendent Maintenance SRM, OneSteel Sydney Bar Mill, January 2015
GEVA / Burkhard Kaas and his team service is excellent. They are highly knowledgeable in the field of automation & drive control with a good understanding of steel rolling process.
Abud Alnatour, Maintenance Superintendent, Sydney Rolling Mill / April 2015
Whenever there was and is a problem, complicated and technically sophisticated, and no clear solution given - GEVA automation is our preferred partner for voestalpine.
Dipl.- Ing. Norbert Köck, Head of Capital Projects Department, voestalpine, July 2007
The project (Finishing End Improvement) satisfied us very much, it exceeded our expectations.
Dave Allen, Operation Superintendent, OneSteel Newcastle Wire Rod Mill / March 2015
On most bar sections we have prime tolerance on the first or second bar to the cooling bed. This has shortened our start up and sizing time quite a bit… we now have no cobbles due to incorrect roll speeds and not tail end buckles. The installation of the GEVA control system has been a definite improvement in the bar mill.
Craig McPherson, Mill Pulpit Operator at Laverton BarMill / February 2015