
tangle detection supervises your production in real time,
stopping the line automatically in case of tangles.
tangle detection adapts itself to your production, yielding optimal performance for every product.
Minimally Invasive
tangle detection is easy to install,
requiring minimal changes to your existing plant.
Zero Maintenance
No mechanical components subject to wear.
tangle detection (TD) überwacht Ihre Produktion in Echtzeit. Bei erkannten Schlingen signalisiert TD einen Stopp der Anlage, sodass ein Zuziehen der Schlingen rechtzeitig verhindert werden kann.
TD kalibriert sich beim Produktwechsel automatisch, um stets optimale Performance zu gewährleisten.
TD lässt sich leicht installieren, ist einfach zu warten und erfordert nur minimale Anpassungen an Ihrer Anlage.
TD ermöglicht eine Verlängerung von
Wartungsintervallen, da typische Abnutzung, wie etwa bei
mechanischer Detektions-Hardware, entfällt.
With tangle detection
tangle detection notices the tangle in time and immediately suggests the PLC to stop the line. After resolving the tangle, production can quickly resume.

tangle detection notices the tangle in time.

tangle detection immediately suggests the PLC to stop the line.
“A common problem in the Contistretch treatment is the formation of tangles.
Undetected tangles reaching the stretch panel usually cause scrap and loss of
production time reducing the overall yield of the plant.
Existing solutions are manual supervision being labor intensive and unreliable
or mechanical devices being liable to wear and costly to maintain.”

“tangle detection (TD) constantly supervises your process visually in real time, using state of the art machine vision and AI technology, to tell normal operation apart from entangled wire. With a slim and easy integratable interface to your existing PLC, tangle detection issues stop triggers on detection of a tangle.
The only limiting factor for the speed of your production line is the time
required to perform a quick-stop.
By feeding production data like diameter and production speed to tangle detection, it automatically adapts itself to your production, optimizing decision making.”

“tangle detection utilizes a camera in a ruggedized housing and a set of LED
spotlights, which can be easily mounted on top of your production line.
The processing unit, an industry standard CompactPCI system, is the core of
tangle detection‘s intelligence. It is directly connected to the camera and
to your existing PLC.”

Customer KPIs
less missed tangles
delay reduction